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Sunday, Apr. 22, 2007 - 9:27 p.m.

Earth Day for Cats
beautiful day out there
the spring lowers
are actually opening
before my eyes
the northern latitude
season speed up
is a wonderful thing to behold
I got a phone call at noon
a lady noticed Jinky
following a bunch of kids
down the street to the river
two of the kids were hers
they were going to light a fire
and cook hotdogs
in the company of a
meat eating wild red haired cat
who will probably adore
& hotdogs
So I went looking for him at the river
with Matt and Alisa
we brought our art supply cases
but the kids had long gone on
to other adventures
and likely coaxed Jinky to go with them
so we sat down at the lone pic nic table that overlooked the water
to wait and work
and as they painted on stones
and sketched out
elaborate scenes on the wooden surface
with pastels
I wrote out neatly with ink
on the other end of the table
with a paint brush
"JINKY the runaway cat"
and drew a nice portrait
of him from memory and we coloured it in with pastels , rather nice job I must say..
the piece directed anyone
who finds him to bring him home
Thats all we can do is make it possible for him to come home
in this nice weather
there is almost no reason
to be indoors
so I can't blame him for reaching out
and exploring this paradise here
that we all love so much
down by the river
there are no cars
so at least he will be safe
and there is the occassional hot dog
and troop of adoring kids
I think he choose very well
running away to the river
which is one of my favourite places
in the whole world
...lazy sunny day breeze from the lake
... fresh green grass
... all cranky dogs tied up on strings
........ like- this is total art-cat paradise

its 9 pm and he has not returned home
but I know he's near
and when he is cut off from
his supply of hot dogs'
he will probably wander home

**( he did wander home after midnight and seems fine )


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