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Tuesday, May. 22, 2007 - 8:57 p.m.

Telemarket Romance
when a friend suggests
a blind date
what they really want is
two expendable people
to play out
their fantasy life
for them

that's Televisions job
so I turned down
a blind date this weekend
and when pressed
I gave an honest reason:
that I don't know that person
whom I don't know at all
well enough to hang out with them ..
the guy was selling me
to someone,,
his lines were just too
to suit me

" we will be in a group
at the spring fair.
its not like
you are gonna be
alone or something.."

my friend is a talibans moralist
doing someone else's bidding
but I manage to squeeze
his true motovation out

It was his gfs idea
seems she has a best friend
whom is alone blah blah
and she thought
we'd be great together
( see sentence # 1
the playing out of
someones fantasy life
and then skip ahead
to the zoo animal part--
insert " Panda "
where human beings should be )

I made a joke
that I now
sort of regret..
I think I will
pay for in the future'
possibly big time

" hey..." I whispered
" So who's doing all the
ovulating around here ? "

and that bastard told his gf
what in said
word for word
cause she told me
I didn't deserve her friend

I guess she was the one
doing all the ovulating
at the expence of
her basic humanity

Bad Panda
go to the
endangered species
all by yourself..
its her van
travelling to the show
a four seater.
get the idea?
maybe ther girls can jam
a 140 lb slab of chocolate
in there in my place
and achieve the same effect

I can kiss off
the entire
spring fair
after that one
but it did
gain me
some breathing space

my friend looked
a little embaressed
that he conspired
with his gf
to breed their friends
like zoo animals
us tragic leftover people
assigned someone
as a counterweight

I should print up a sheet
of my minimum requirements
for a sustainable gf
like those signs
"Ride wanted "
and poster specifies the city
they need to reach and extras:

" non smoker"
" will share expences "
" have awesome altie music CDs "
" know 500 jokes, riddles and limericks "
" will provide peanut free vegan pic nic to go "
" gay jocks need not reply "

accept no substitutes
or you will end up in the wrong city

Spring is in the air
but so are mosquitos

I can watch the fireworks
over the lake
from somewhere
less complicated

are we having fun yet ?


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