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Saturday, Feb. 02, 2008 - 6:19 p.m.

Clean Up Sonata

all these treasures :
I have my share.
stacked up like tree rings
high tide marks on a muddy bank,
and are they really valuable?
I confess that 99%
of what I have here is crap,
of fleeting value
even to me
that the stuff here
holds potential
is known only to me
and I have my doubts about that

and that the notes, sketches
and prototypes are crashed aircraft
waiting for their turn in the windtunnel
to be reshaped into new and better things'
when in fact they are just so many bugs
smashed onto my radiator
awaiting the scraper of
justified frustration

I dread stopping
the flow of now
to sweep up
the dust bunnies of yesterday
and would almost welcome
a cyclone to do that for me..
I dread not the loss
but would welcome the shelf space,
knowing full well
that theres plenty more
of where that came from

maybe in Heaven
there is self lock storage
maybe in Hell
someone makes you sort it


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