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Thursday, Oct. 06, 2011 - 10:34 a.m.

I Love Art - I Don't Trust Machines

From my ongoing Pen & Ink series

" Pop Culture Heros
I Never Cared Much For "

I was curious why I was
so indifferent for so long
concerning certain stars
who each represented
huge swaths of popular culture
product I never cared much about
but recognised so many
other people fawned over them.

Movies I never looked at
Music I never listened to
Philosophies I never considered
Media Machines I never used

I'm running my own
" Age of Enlightenment" here
and never shop for inspiration
on the open market

So I decided to spend time
with their faces
but not their products
and study the
subtle energy fields
their meat folds suggested to me-
In spite of not being
particularily interested in them
or their contribution
I was determined to discover
Who _is it in there?

Sometimes I will attempt
semi realism in my work
but it just irritates me
after awhile
maintaining that one track delusion
so I go right back
to doing gooney
purple cats
playing guitars on fire,
where I belong.

Since my nice computer
blew up in June
I merrily went back to
Neo Lithic Ink -on -paper
which I adore..
Sometimes it just works out,
usually it doesn't
- too bad it cost $1400.00
to live simple

I will probably tire
of this series
in a short while
- I still don't like these people
in any special way
even after long meditations
on their facial features

best thing though
is i am back on track
shrinking the image files
from a still camera shot
and adding text on top.

That accomplishment
took many neurotic days
to figure out
whereas artwork itself
is done in a pleasant hour.
- Go figure.

my little camera shot photos
are somewhat cleaner
than scans made on my
little desktop scanner unit.
Maybe its because I don't know anything about adjusting
the scan rez settings-
but I am getting pretty good at
wrestling my little camera down
to do what i want it to do

The first scanner
I ever brought in here had such dreadful resolution capacity
I unplugged it after one day
it was so aweful.
I asked a friend who knew his way around graphic arts repro machinery
how can I bump this up several rungs
and he said that's all it can do=
break my crisp line work
onto a million sawdust like pixils

I still have it
in a garbage bag
in the basement.
Brand new plus one day=
$450 down the toilet

I had been spoiled
seeing my artwork
reproduced on super
high end graphic arts scanners
by skilled technicians in the 90s.
Those machines cost $150,000 each then
and were made to do a proper job

Home Hardware version
of these real graphic arts machines were like " X Ray specs "
in the back of comic books-
> unacceptable quality
with no hope of
ever becoming acceptable..

Why landfill sites fill up so fast


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