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Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008 - 10:00 p.m.

Assassination of Baby Princess Joy

naked and listless in winter
as some adult cries over spilled milk
as the radio whispers rumours of war
stop whatever she is exploring
stop having fun
life is not about Barbie
now eat these shapeless beige things
that we don;t want ourselves
served in thinly veiled contempt
on a blue plastic plate

eating alone surrounded by family
as everybody watches offering
never ending intrusion-
oh what will Baby Princess Joy
learn about life love and the arts of delight
from these semi transparent zombies?

Th only people she sees are
socially disconnected old people
who scowl in disapproval of her every outreach
as if the miracle of service to the
Baby princess joy is a cruel tax
that deprives them of control
of their own shiftless existance

Baby Princess Joy
offspring of a
disappointing daughter
is shown daily just how inconvenient
her arrival has been
for everybody else
They do not even attempt
to conceal their disappoint in her

her joy and enthusiasm
is lost on the shuffling ghosts upstairs
her songs are challenges
to the dreamless sleeps of the lost
her games are just more irritation
to the tired and woebgoners
just waiting to die

whoever would assign
a baby to grow up in a basement
with a washer and dryer as role models
so they can watch movies
in their dark bedroom alone
while the rest of the sunny house is empty
is creepy
beyond creepy
beyond creepy

I will visit the Baby Princess Joy again
and warn her about
the wonderful world out there
beyond the gravity
of her dead beat family
so that she consider more
that the mechanical continuity
of the wash dry cycle


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