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Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2008 - 11:44 a.m.

Have a Butterfly & Call Me in the Morning

Super Stressful day here
have to make dynamic changes in artwork
and client is unavailable
so guess what?
we miss the deadline
thanks to him not being there
my artwork reverts to zero value
at the crack of noon
and so i don't get paid
for three days work.

That spec work for you-
its all about honour
and that commodity
is sorely lacking right now

so as I sizzle in rage here
after yet another
late night/ early moring shift
that turned to shit
I look at the window
and watch Taser
sunning himself on the driveway
without a care in the world
looking up at the birds
when their chatter becomes interesting
then spontanioulsy chasing after
a small foolish white butterfly
and then swoop at this moot target
and not care that he misses
there are always more
foolish white butterflies

in the meantime
he can bat at some dry leaves
and generate excitement
& purpose into his life
and then if that doesn't work
maybe walk across the street
and see what a couple of
old cranky cats are doing

School is out for the summer
and the boys down the street
are playing mid day- mid week
road hockey and any stray balls
are fascinating for a kitten
and he dashes out after
any that stray shots
that roll his way
as the boys shout
"Good one !' in unison
if he comes even close

the summer girls down the street
don't stirr till at least noon
and then only to sashay past the boys
hoping tio distract them from their game
on their way to the store
after sundset they lol around
in aone big happy pack
of co ordinated indifference

ahhh ! endless summer-
Inserting such great meaning
into such mundane activity
as wacking balls into qustionable targets
searching out questionable bargains
or chasing foolish white butterflies

not like me,
Mr Alternative Whiteman
going bankrupt
drawing cartoons for retards
who aren't even there


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