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Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009 - 1:17 a.m.

Craiglist Romance

at this rate
I don't know
if I will ever meet
a decent chick
who is ready for partnership
just more crazies
high on estrogen

I know what i don;t want
I know what I do want
I imagine how it could be
but what does add up to?
cats and peaches

I wonder if I made myself
into someone who can;t live
in the 21st century
with modern sketchy relationships

all I do know for sure is
I am better off alone
than with some needy girl
hungry for drama
and no clear idea of who she is
or what she wants to do
that is a passport to disaster

One thing for sure
if I have my way
I will not end up
with just somebody
doing just something
just somewhere
because I ran out of ideas

speaking of running out of ideas
I can hear a loud drunken party
going on 2 blocks away
a varietyof shreiks rise above
crumby old music
rude honking of cars and trucks
and hysterical barking dogs

I wish i knew someone
who makes sense after midnight
who wasn;t there getting hammered
banged and dumped like garbage
the next day
but not to be had
not in _this place

at least I got peaches
and a happy red cat
tomorrow is another day


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