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Thursday, Jan. 28, 2010 - 3:15 p.m.

22 seconds of Sunshine

Praise heaven as
a huge ugly bank of grey clouds
rolls across the sky
and behold!
the winds ripped a nasty tear
and through this multi km gash
came pouring unobstructed sunshine
22 glorious seconds of sunshine
and skin delighting solar heat

has it really been
that many months of
cold grey atmospheric indifference?
I suppose it has been
I suppose it has been
summer is tetherd up there on high
just waiting for the globe tilt advantage to return
and bring life
sometimes today
there is a
five second gulp of light
splashing across my work table
and a brief sneeze
of solar heat
hits my face
after passing through
millions of miles of space
through the worlds crazy atmosphere
and then through a sheet of glass
to delight me
and every living loving cell
elsewhere in the glow of sunshine
and animate every speck of green
into holy activity

if you judge by results
this is a miracle


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