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Saturday, Nov. 19, 2011 - 11:50 a.m.

Artificial, Artifice & Art

I once prepared graphics for
a Business magazine
it was an airbrushed cover
of a bellcurve of data
the publisher had supplied to me
for tarting up
When I delivered my finished work
the editor came over
and said to me
lift this `spike line up a little
and flatten this one
- its obscuring text`

And that line I altered was
projected growth
for the coming two years-
deliberately & profoundly
changed for cosmetic reasons

What we think is
`a financial Projection
or even `this is what
certainpeople believe happened`
or depictions of angels,
devils, diseases,
or maps leading to riches
or certain destruction
are not that at all
nor reasonably can ever be
because they are all
creations of somebody`s art dept.
be that Babylon,
Ancient Egypt,
the Mayans,
the Nazis,
The Ming Dynasty,
The Buddhists,
the Cannibals
Wall Street
or their mirror image
Occupy Wall Street

its the artists
who fuck everything up
who give lies a tangable form
and shape an acceptable credibility
to hoax, swindle, fraud and deception
for we are the counterfeiters,
the false map makers,
the forgers,
the manipulators,
the art directors the editors --
we are the systematic perception fuckers for hire or worse`trying to start up some counter action
who will take inspiration and direction from our blinding artifice

We are
the skilled artisan sensitives
who _really should know better.
But we don`t do better


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