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Thursday, Aug. 30, 2007 - 11:00 a.m.

MS South Carolina Flubs her lines at the Miss teen America Contest, August 2007 when her views on why 20% of Americans cannot find the United States on a map of the World
( Thursday )

The response tag ins are now at
8.5 MILLION and rising

could be 9,000,000 by dinner..
favoritited by over a million people..
wow and this is a short piece of fumbly crap

like the whole flipping world is in on it now,,
and I am so not impressed
at the level of compassion
the average human being shows..
no matter what
social system people have been exposed to.
they are still free agents to
option the decent heart response dept.

the level of debate and in fighting
in the UTube comments page
is uber petty
and mega intense..

If you didn't look at the comments page
i suggest you give it
three minutes _now
before it degerates into just
pure swearing and hateful talk..
why people even bother is beyond me

this is the shape of planetary democracy ..
this is the level we have
reached with the powerfiul tools
of instant personal communication..
andthats demonstratably nowhere-
its pretty much the same
as a kitchen table
society wholesale dismissing
the concerns of everybody else
relating all other world human events
to a _very small radius of a transient
local reality

" IMAGINE " says John Lennon.
"all the people living in the world" . etc etc

( Tuesday )

Ok Ok a beauty contest contestant flubbed her response
due to sheer nervousness when she was asked a question
about geography;;
Its on UTube and its no big deal

what IS a big deal is the comments-
there were 200,000 by 4 pm and ther
is now 1,000,000
there will likely be 5,000,000 by dawn..from all over the world look. not
this ratio of humans vote in an election, this is gonna be a high water
mark for the internet.. millions of responses, way more responses to the
show clip than there were people actrually watching the clip in reaL TIME


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