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Friday, Aug. 22, 2008 - 3:47 p.m.

Pill Bottle Maracas

Someone we know
all too well
is back in circulation
Seems that little string
of " episodes"
in the spring
that ended up in a
shipped outta town order
has culumated into a full blown
store bought
doctor approved
state managed
provinicially funded
mental condition.

OK hit the compassion switch
roll 'em
we can afford to
forgive and forget
but can the
Crown Princess
of shelled tree seed do the same?
So far. mo

proudly displaying her meds
at the restaurant table
like they were ammunition
against everybody else
she decides to just tell people
what she thinks
is wrong with them
according to her
we are all mentally ill..

thats nice to know

now to go out
and toss a flowerpot
through a shop window
like she did
and come out afain
in 120 days
with a
similar philosophy

after being analysied herself
all these months
maybe she feels qualified to
do verbal brain surgery
during lunch hour

two different people have mentioned
just how annoying she is
since she has been released
into the wilds of society
Instead of her just
doing and saying crazy things
for no reason-
she now has a reason

I am a good person
except when
I am being
an asshole


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