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Sunday, Jul. 04, 2010 - 1:03 p.m.

Drug Free World

You won't live forever-
so go ahead,
be stoned while
you are still
young enough to hustle
nobody cares
that you are stoned,
you are not that important

We do care about
the planetary marketplace
for the dope
you love so much
that the rest of us
don't like at all

So we are working now
to crush the drug crops out
knock out the black market
sweep out the dope dealers
from our cities
discourage young people
from ending up like you

You don't have to
agree with this direction
but it may be wise
to understand that
the greater number
of your fellow humans
do not want
a drug central world
and are unbolting that bridge

If you are standing
on that structure
when it goes down--
that was that
your only life
sort of gone

Bigger badder obstacles
to progress than dope
have been knocked over
in the history of the human race

The rest of us don't have to
put up with your
love affair with drugs
We guess you will find that out
the hard way
You won't be able to
stop this momentum
in whats left of your life
Either will the other
drug lovers.

You will fade away
before the drug lovers
are all gone
and never know
that your side lost


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